๐Ÿ–ค back on Bentewee ๐Ÿ–ค

Sunday 10 December 2023

NO because i have been YEARNING and LONGING for Poupeegirl so much lately! I didn't know Bentewee's still around, but today i finally checked back in and found my account from 2016! It had an old email address and thankfully i still have some invites left so I made a new account. I think back when i signed up I was very on and off with blogging and completely forgot about it. I'm so grateful for the people who are still running and maintaining the site after all this time. One of the users, Sara, found how to display your daily outfit on your blog sidebar which I've done now. You can find her tutorial here. i hope i can log in everyday and the site gets updated with new collection here and there. I have some invites if you'd like to sign up, please let me know in the comments!