🩶 Lost in Palia 🩶

Thursday 18 July 2024

hello i have recently been playing a lot of Palia! This is actually my third attempt to get into the game. The first one when it came out- i sadly couldn't get into it, didn't even finish the tutorial section. 2nd time when it came out on Switch- i tried it on a whim but got distracted and moved on to other games/hobbies. Third time was last week when my sister asked me about Palia and said that she's started playing, i decided to jump in again to play with her and now i'm super hooked and addicted!

🩶 New Switch Case For Momo 🩶

Monday 24 June 2024

It's here, my new switch + dock case~! I've been wanting to revamp my switch for sometime but with so many things that took priority i only managed to do it now.. having said that im so excited when i saw this case for the first time! I knew it was what i wanted for Momo straight away hehe. Mikko Illustration art is so adorable and cute~! I'm also hoping to get some of their Flortte collab lippies at some point. With the recent Nintendo Direct Im excited to find more games to play with my switch again!

🩶 Happy Father's Day 🩶

Saturday 15 June 2024

Here in Germany they are currently celebrating Father's Day! I thought I'd take this opportunity to draw snifflehubby~! Here he is with our three sons! To see last year's illustration of him click here~! It's been a while since I drew him I kinda feel bad uwu but it's been quite busy during the first half of the year so.. that's that! im thinking of getting this printed and make a deco journal spread about him?? im lowkey obsessed with him for 4 years now ahaha..