🩶 interior dreaming 🩶

Monday 21 October 2024

One way i've been coping recently is dreaming about our new home and how to decorate one of the spare rooms. Me and snifflehubby agreed i can make one into my hobby/girly room for all my crafting supplies and different accumulated hobbies. I also enjoy making mini reels and videos, it would be nice to have a proper 'set' to do those on. This room project/makeover will probably take months to finish but thankfully furniture prices have become more affordable compared to the past several years. There are also a lot of options for white, instead of just black or wood.

🩶 Farewell my sweet angel Jubjub 🩶

Wednesday 16 October 2024

This week my 8yr old bearded dragon, Jubjub, has passed away. After a long battle of nursing him back to health, it was okay to let go and we've said our goodbyes. When i got him back in 2016 my life was so different. I was 25 years old, uncertain of the future. Jubjub has seen me through so much transitions, life phases and changes. A lot of relationships, personal style changes, personal growths, through failures and wins. A lot of mental health struggles and hyperfixations. When all of my other pets died (i had frogs and another beardie, Oni) he's the only one who stayed. Him being around meant im not completely unloveable and alone. That i am deserving of companionship and love.

🩶 Autumn Winter '24 🩶

Thursday 3 October 2024

hewwo i know it's a bit early to talk about autumn and winter wardrobe but once i allowed myself to a more muted pink theme, the next step of visualising where my wardrobe is going has become so clear, so sure, and so easy to navigate! i decided to indulge myself with a lizlisa coat. They're one of my wishlist brands, so this feels like a dream come true. i think this will be the basis of my wardrobe uniform this winter. all my outfits will revolve on it! Or at least that's the plan. I'm looking for shoes to go along with the coat, maybe loafers, maybe classic maryjane, or something comfy like a slip-on platforms.